We are just weeks away from our Annual Meeting being held in Nashville, TN at the Double Tree Hotel – Airport. We encourage our Membership to share the word with others to promote growth and professionalism in the Process Service industry. We are pleased to announce that we are expecting guest speakers Lance Randall, President and Larry Yellon, Second Vice President representing NAPPS, (National Association of Professional Process Servers). We are also excited to have Attorney John Perez representing the New Jersey Professional Process Servers Association joining to us to share more information regarding his recent article “Equal Access to Justice – Alternative Language Provisions in Pleadings” and the NJ Associations “Process Server registration” efforts.
Vendors such as Database Services Inc. (Process Server Toolbox) and ServeNow.com have been invited to share the latest technology and provide information that helps keep Professional Process Servers knowledgeable and up to industry standards in both compliance and efficiency.
Tennessee Representatives Harry Brooks (Knoxville) and Mike Stewart (Nashville) have been invited to speak regarding legislation and issues that may affect the Process Server industry in Tennessee. Harry has joined us in the past and has always been informative and supportive of our industry. Representative Stewart introduced legislation in 2014 that would have essentially mandated the Administrative Office of the Courts in Tennessee to create a registration program for process servers. This prompted our Board to craft a letter to the AOC requesting a meeting to discuss moving forward with our Associations efforts to be a part of the process. As it turned out, the House Bill was held up in sub committee and was not introduced in 2015. We are interested in building a relationship with Rep. Stewart as we have with Rep. Brooks so we may stay informed on the legislative front.
We look forward to an educational piece provided by veteran process server Barry Kaley with Knox County Process in Knoxville. Barry has been essential in TAPPS creating an Education program over the last several years. A self defense and personal protection segment will be taught by Investigator and Private Protection Specialist Scott Meek, with Rock Solid Security out of Nashville, TN.
Take a moment and Register online, it is shaping up to be a great Annual Meeting for our members and Private Investigators seeking their 6 hours of PI Commission approved Continuing Education. We ask our Membership to continue sending in Agenda items for review and to be heard at the meeting.